About me


I am a programmer who enjoys web technologies and admires low-level programming and systems programming. I love exploring new languages. I have a lot of opinions about the world of software and I can't wait to have them destroyed by new experiences.

I have a bachelors degree from Faculty of Information Technology of the Brno University of Technology.

What is in my toolbox?

My favorite technologies so far are Rust, TypeScript, and React. I recently fell in love with Neovim and a windowing manager. I like to automate what I can with scripts.

I also have experience in languages like Java, C, C++ and Python.

I am currently exploring Nix and Zig.

What do I do in my free time?

Outside of computers, I enjoy reading a good sci-fi book, playing the occasional video game and lifting weights. I have also recently found a passion for bouldering. 🧗